Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hippies and Futbol

So Friday was "Blast from the Past" day at Sojourn. Being the fun and involved teachers that we are, Kate, Tricia, and I dug through our closets and swapped clothes until the perfect outfits were achieved. Thanks to Kate's jewelry collection our looks were completed. Our neighbors Steve and Diane were doing a photo shoot for us when Steve was inspired to go hippie as well. Needless to say, us girls were quite the hit at school and the children loved it. :)

Kim, Kate, Peggy, Me, and Tricia

I am SO inspirational.

To add even more excitement to the weekend we discovered that Sunday San Jose's futbol team, Saprissa, was having a promotion. Ladies wearing purple (the team's color) would get a free ticket! Clearly we had to go since we had bought Saprissa jersey's a couple months ago. This is when the adventure began. We bundled up (yes, it can be chilly in Costa Rica), took a bus into downtown San Jose, and then grabbed a taxi to the stadium. On our way to find the ticket office we stopped so Laura could buy a jersey. Apparently a Tico newscrew thought this would be a great clip for the nightly news and started filming us. Being the dignified Gringas that we are, we broke into uncontrollable laughter and quickly fled the situation. So we make it into the ticket office and Trish and I go to the counter. I tell the man in Spanish that we all have purple shirts and need free tickets. He tells me that we can only get in for free if we go in with paying men (a small detail the website failed to mention). But, gracias a Dios, at the ticket counter next to us were 4 Tico hombres listening in on our conversation. They quickly offered to get us into the game. We, having no other option, started laughing and agreed. Thus began a night of lots of Spanish, laughing, and yelling "gol" and "vaya, hombre!" It was a good time. And Saprissa ended up beating Liberia 5- 0.

Costa Rica never fails to offer me fun times and new adventures. Life here is always full of surprises. It is sad that I will be leaving in just 2 short weeks (November 28), but I still have lots of travels and even a Thanksgiving meal to enjoy before I fly home. And...Jon comes on Friday!

Please continue to pray for future decisions as I start to finalize plans for January and beyond. There is still a lot up in the air, but God has a plan...He just hasn't shown me yet. :)


Chelsie said...

Kim! Sounds like you are having fun! I miss Australia and my students from the boarding school I did my student teaching at. I remember those last two weeks while I was there were agonizing! I started coming up with different ways so I could stay longer (or forever). Unfortunately I didn't get it worked out. I miss it terribly, but just think, now you have all those new friends there that if you want to go back to Costa Rica you can always get in touch with them for a place to stay :-) Praying for you and your last few weeks

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of fun times are happening! Say hi to John. You guys have a great time. See you in a couple of weeks!

Cory said...

these pictures are awesome. i love it.

one day i'm coming. one day...