Monday, September 15, 2008

El Dia de la Independencia

Today is Costa Rican Independence Day! We (really they, not me) gained our freedom from Spain on September 15 in a bloodless treaty agreement. Costa Rica is very proud of this fact and celebrates for a month. This is good for us since we get a day off of school!

Backtracking a bit...this whole past week of school we have been learning about Costa Rica in honor of their independence. I have learned so much about national symbols, songs, and its history. It has been so fun! On Friday we had a big Independence day celebration. We all wore red, white, and blue (ironically CR's colors, too) and those that had native dress wore them. My kids looked great! Here is a class picture from Friday. Clearly I am a very professional teacher.

During our celebration there was a farol making contest. (A farol in English is a "lantern") Faroles were significant in the independence process (long story). On Sunday night Costa Rican children light candles in them (rather risky if you ask me since most are paper and cardboard) and have parades. Most are pretty amazing. Here are some of my students with their native dress and faroles:

This morning us girls went to an Independence Day parade in Desemparados, a nearby neighborhood. Their version of a parade is every school marching by in native dress and/or red, white, and blue. There are cheerleaders, marching bands, baton twirlers, etc. We were the only gringos there and probably looked pretty creepy snapping pictures of the little children, but I thought you would all enjoy them. :)

So Feliz Dia de la Independencia...Viva Costa Rica!

1 comment:

Gloria said...

appears we were watching the same type of parade only in different parts of the country.
Did you also have fireworks at night in the town square?

Looks like you're enjoying life and work.

take care,
aunt Gloria